The theory that resonates with me right now is the theory of “Stable Change” or Safety Valve. This theory says that people who are allowed to speak their minds are less likely to be violent. This theory feels most important right now because we just ended a presidential election cycle. We see this theory in action today as people are given the right to vote or speak their minds on who they want to be elected. At the same time, one side is going to be unhappy about the decision, so they will need that opportunity to vent and air their grievances so that things hopefully don't boil over and become violent.
Due to my lack of education in politics, I struggle to see how politics plays a role in everyday life. I chose this theory because it aligned with voting as an example of people being allowed to “speak their minds.” The violence aspect of the theory made me think that people are less likely to get violent if they have a choice in who gets put into office and if they are able to express discontent if they need to.
Another part of the theory that I think applies to today is the section where it says that because people can speak freely, the government is able to catch someone who would potentially make a dangerous choice. I’d like to think that the government hearing people's complaints might also lead to positive change. Finally, the theory of stable change can also be seen in everyday life because when we vent to our friends it helps keep us calm.
While the theory of stable change resonated with me most at this time, it is the theory of individual self-fulfillment that is the most important to me. This is based on the idea of free speech, and it really speaks to everyone's individuality and autonomy. Having the ability to say what they think allows us to not only be contributing members of society but also allows us to create our own identities and be fiercely individual. We see this theory in action every day on social media, in the news, and maybe most especially in art.
Writers are at the forefront of this theory because in exposing themselves, they sometimes run into issues such as book banning and burning. After all, people don't want to hear what they have to say. Books are banned for a variety of reasons, some because they have violent content, some because they have diverse characters, but ironically, most book bans occur with children's literature, and most often due to content such as witchcraft or talking animals. Self-actualization is one of the most important and personal rights that we each have, and we should respect each other's rights to their own self-fulfillment. We often see The theory of stable change and the theory of stable self-fulfillment working together as people are able to use their platforms for their art to vent any discomfort or discontent they may have.
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